Hi there, I'm Eric. Welcome to my virtual world!

My professional work and attention are focused on developing preventative mHealth and self-care solutions via passive monitoring of daily behaviors.

The ultimate goal is to digitize lifestyle and behavior by providing intelligent solutions for sensing, capturing, and analyzing traces and states of being, so that people can connect dots, extract meaning, get actionable insights, and initiate positive change.

I believe the recent innovation and advancement of wearable, injectable, implantable, and IOT sensors are key enablers for behavior measurement and self-quantification systems which will keep transforming digital and preventative healthcare. My personal mission is to develop such applications and make them accessible for everyone so as to help people enjoy better health and better life.

I am mostly interested in these topics:

  • quantified Self
  • preventitative healthcare
  • machine learning
  • artificial intelligence
  • data analysis

  • Want to know more about me? About... Projects...

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